Snapchat says that it’s the top social media platform that users associate with joy, and a happy experience, which also makes it the best place for brands to connect with consumers in a more positive space.
That's according to two new studies conducted by Mindshare and Alter Agents, in conjunction with Snap, which analyzed how different social media platforms fulfill various consumer needs, and how consumer feel when using social apps.
The first study, conducted by Mindshare, is based on findings from a survey of more than 28,000 adults, along with an additional analysis conducted by Mindshare's NeuroLab team, which explored people's "unconscious preferences and their emotional associations and perceptions of different platforms".
As per Snap:
“Mindshare's NeuroLab revealed the unique strengths of each platform for delivering against “need states”. Snapchat emerged as a top platform associated with Joy compared to other platforms.”
As you can see in this graphic, Snapchat had the highest rating for the “joy” need state. Which is interesting considering the way in which people use the app to connect with friends, in that Snap is not further aligned with “belong” and “connect”.
Mindshare's study utilized implicit association tests to measure people's responses when using different apps, in order to provide deeper insight into user engagement.
“Snapchatters find genuine happiness while using the platform because it allows them to express their truest selves to their closest friends and family. Using neuroscience, we saw that their engagement with content on Snapchat far surpasses other social media platforms.”
The second study, conducted by Alter Agents, reinforced these findings:
I would note the limited sample size here, with just 60 Snapchat users included in the analysis. But even so, there are some strong indicators in the data, which point to Snap providing a more engaging, joyful in-app experience.
Snap also notes that previous studies have found that 82% of Snapchat users feel more connected with friends and family when using the app, while 81% indicated that the app makes them feel “more free of judgment” when compared to other platforms.
Which also, Snap says, extends to brand promotions as well:
“Ads on Snapchat elicit a 1.6 times greater level of engagement, leaving viewers feeling more positively about ads on the platform. The influence of these positive emotions extends to how users perceive brands on Snapchat. Brands are seen as more relatable and less dated, while ads on Snapchat are viewed as 1.2 times more positive and 1.3 times more playful compared to other social apps.”
Snap says that these results show that even though it may not have the same scale and reach of other platforms, it may actually be more valuable for your promotions, because of the emotional state in which its users receive your brand messaging.
“Brands that recognize and embrace the emotional power of Snapchat can create authentic campaigns that resonate with Snapchatters in a positive environment. This, in turn, results in increased brand recommendations, higher purchase intent, and a perception of brands as relatable and modern.”
The stronger engagement and positivity signals in the app essentially provide more fertile ground for brand promotions, which could increase the value of Snap ads for the right brands and campaigns.
Some interesting notes, which could influence how you view Snap for your promotions.
You can read Snap’s full study notes here.